Die schönsten Liebeserklärungen aller Zeiten ❤ (Seite 3)

Die schönsten Liebeserklärungen aller Zeiten ❤ (Seite 3)

Auf dieser Seite findest du die schönsten Liebeserklärungen aus verschiedenen Filmen, Songtexten, Serien und Büchern.

I love you. I'm in love with you. I have been since the night the snow fell in your hair and you kissed me for the first time. I'm grateful my life is tied to yours because it means I won't have to face a day without you in it. My heart only beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I'll meet Malek at your side.
I love you. I would die to protect you. I would make you hate me to keep you safe because damn it, Avery - some things are too precious to gamble.
Of course I love you. I could go back in time and have a whole life and get old and never see you again, and you would still be it. You were— you are the love of my life.
I never knew how much was enough to ask for in my life until I met you, and since then? I've never thought to ask for anything else.
These pictures are my heart. And if my heart was a canvas, every square inch of it would be painted over with you.
"I love you," I whisper. "You could throw my entire world into upheaval, and I would still love you. You could keep secrets, run a revolution, frustrate the shit out of me, probably ruin me, and I would still love you. I can't make it stop. I don't want to. You're my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you."
You're the wish I make on every shooting star!
And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.
Toula: "Warum? Warum liebst du mich?"
Ian: "Weil ich erst angefangen habe zu leben, als ich dich kennenlernte."
I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.
I've gotta say something, 'cause I don't think I've made it clear. I'm in love with you. Powerfully, painfully in love. The things you do, the way you think, the way you move. I get excited every time I'm about to see you. You make me feel like I've never felt before in my life... like a man. I just thought you might like to know.
Xander in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 5 Episode 10
I, Anya, want to marry you, Xander, because... I love you, and I'll always love you. And, before I knew you, I was like a completely different person. Not even a person, really. And I'd seen what love could do to people, and it was... hurt, and sadness. Alone was better. And then, suddenly, there was you! And you knew me. You saw me. And it was this... thing. You make me feel safe and warm, so, I... get it now. I finally get love, Xander! I really do.
Anya Jenkins in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 6 Episode 16
You want to know if I was ever really in love with you? Every morning, I wake up wishing I wasn't. You are a constant reminder of what I can't have. A life. Love. You.
Lucien in 1899 - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Um mich herum sagen mir alle, was ich tun soll, mein ganzes Leben. Ich kann das nicht mehr. Seit Monaten fühle ich mich tot und mit dir will ich plötzlich meinen Geburtstag feiern. Du sagst die Wahrheit, wenn es sonst keiner tut. Und du siehst die Dinge anders als die anderen. Jemanden wie dich brauche ich.
Kaiser Franz Joseph in Die Kaiserin - Staffel 1 Episode 1
"I lost everyone I loved," I tell him. I wait for him to look at me, and then I add, "The day I met you."
You've got such a good heart, you were born like it. You can't contrive it, you're just decent. I knew it, first time I met you. Hit me like a bolt of lightning. And I've loved you ever since, you fat twat.
My world had been fading to gray until she burst in like a bombshell of color and light.
I kissed Jonah Fletcher with all of my heart, and with every piece of my soul that would love him forever.
I love you, Noah. With my heart and my soul and this body. With every part of me. I love you so much you don't have to see it. You can feel it.
Du gehst mir unter die Haut, Sailor. Ich kann dich spüren. Ich spüre dich tief in meinem Herzen.
Manchmal fühl' ich mich hier falsch wie ein Segelschiff im All
Aber bist du mit mir an Bord, bin ich gerne durchgeknallt
Selbst der Stau auf der A2 ist mit dir blitzschnell vorbei
Und die Plörre von der Tanke schmeckt wie Kaffee auf Hawaii
Namika - Lieblingsmensch, Album: Nador
Ich habe keine Angst zu sterben. Seit du in mein Leben zurück gekehrt bist, bin ich jeden Tag ein bisschen gestorben.
Julia, du bist die Butter auf meinem Brot und die Luft, die ich atme!
Seit dem Moment unserer ersten Begegnung vor all diesen Jahren, gab es nicht einen Tag, an dem ich nicht an dich gedacht habe. Und nun, da ich dir wieder nahe bin, schmerzt es sehr. Je näher ich dir bin, umso schlimmer wird es. Bei dem Gedanken, nicht bei dir zu sein, kann ich nicht atmen. Ich werde verfolgt von dem Kuss, den du mir nie hättest geben sollen. Mein Herz schlägt schneller in der Hoffnung, dass dieser Kuss keine Narbe hinterlassen wird. Du bist tief im Inneren meiner Seele und es quält mich. Was kann ich tun? Ich würde alles tun worum du mich bittest. Falls du genauso leidest wie ich, dann bitte sag es mir.

Verwandte Seiten zu Liebeserklärungen

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