Zitate und Sprüche aus The Expendables

Zitate und Sprüche aus The Expendables

The Expendables ist ein Actionfilm, bei dem Sylvester Stallone Regie führte und mit Dave Callaham das Drehbuch schrieb. Der Film hat eine Reihe bekannter Schauspieler des Actionfilm-Genres in den Hauptrollen. Dazu gehören Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Arnold Schwarzenegger und Bruce Willis. Im September 2023 erschien mit Expend4bles der vierte Teil der Reihe.

By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you man and knife!
Lee Christmas in The Expendables - 2
Wir würden für dich sterben, man! Nur... verlang' es nicht zwei mal von uns!
We are the shadows and the smoke, we rise. We are the ghosts that hide in the night.
Barney Ross
Toll, die sind ne kleine Armee und wir? [guckt zu Yin Yang] Vier und ein halber Mann.
Hale Caesar
Sandra: "What are your names?"
Lee Christmas: "[points to himself] Buda..."
Lee Christmas: "[points to Barney] ...Pest"
Sandra: "Follow me, please."
Barney Ross: "Buda and Pest? Nice."
Reichtum wiederum ist sehr gut, denn er erlaubt dem Menschen zu genau dem Arschkriecher zu werden, der in ihm steckt.
James Munroe
Hale Caesar: "What happened to you?"
Barney Ross: "I got my ass kicked."
I promised myself, I'm gonna die for something that counts.
I once knew a man called Tool
To me, was the epitome of cool
He was good with a knife
Bad with a wife
But to think he could beat me
Dreaming he'd defeat me
Cool Tool
You gotta be a fool
Lee Christmas
Paine: "Wie viele Männer habt ihr?"
Barney Ross: "Nur deine Mutter!"
Yin Yang: "I need a raise."
Barney Ross: "Say what?"
Yin Yang: "I want it for my son."
Lee Christmas: "Since when did Yin Yang get a family?"
Yin Yang: "You don't ask, I don't tell."
You know, the enemy's always been terrified of noise, especially shotguns. With this big boy spitting out 250 rounds a minute, you tell me who's tolerating that. Absolutely zero.
Hale Caesar
Trench: "Warst du krank? Du hast Gewicht verloren!"
Barney Ross: "Echt? Was immer ich verloren habe, musst du gefunden haben!"
Tool: "I got a great idea. Why don't you let me doodle, like, a Charlotte's web on your head? On the top of your head. You know, something different, something exciting. 'Cause you got one of them perfectly shaped domed, muscular heads. I could put a web on the top of the head. Maybe a pregnant Charlotte coming out of your ear, peeking around, making sure them bugs don't come inside. Her long legs dangling down your neck. Yeah. Sexy, right?"
Barney Ross: "Very sexy. He looks thrilled."
Paine: "Wer hat euch geschickt?"
Barney Ross: "Dein Friseur!"
Unlike people like her father, you, the Agency, you see life through a freaking keyhole because you let emotions cloud your judgment! Emotions are the cancer of the intellect!
James Munroe
Barney Ross: "What's wrong with this picture?"
Lee Christmas: "Everything."
You remember that time we was up in Bosnia? We took down them Serb bad boys? All our guys were gettin' chopped up all around us and there was blood everywhere. I never though I was gonna make it out of there and I know you didn't and you didn't either. Kinda feelin' like... dead too, ya know? My heads all very, very black place. Didn't believe in shit. Just goddamn Dracula black. I remember I got this bottle of this local shit they have over there. That slivovitz... I think that's what it was called. And I ain't feelin' no pain now... and I come up on this, uh... I come up on this overland bridge, and I see this... I see this... I see this woman standing there, ya know? And she's, uh... I stepped out and she saw me, and she's just lookin' right... right in my eyes. And I was lookin' right in her eyes, and I knew what she was gonna do. She looked at me, and I knew she was gonna jump. You know what I did, man? I just turned around I kept walkin'... until I heard that splash and she was gone. After... after taking all them lives, she was one that I could have saved, but I didn't, and... what I realized later on was if I'd have saved that woman, I might have saved what was left of my soul, ya know?

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Haarausfall ist Gottes Weg mir zu sagen, dass ich ein Mensch bin.
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It wasn't until I went to Korea out of high school and got exposed to the martial arts for the first time and was just completely enamored with the physical ability of the martial arts and making my black belt.
I've come from nowhere, and I'm not shy to go back.
Rache ist giftig. Atme ein, atme aus, lass es los.
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Du hast nur ein einziges Leben, also push dich und probiere Dinge aus!
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Have a good life… What's left of it.
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"Bis sie versagen. Dann haben Sie mich."
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